Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Nero Calore: A Story

EH, hallo there. NEW STORY. 
Premise: Bailey Hendricks goes to live with her grandmother for the summer. She's poor, so she doesn't have much to do, except take lots of walks and read. But she gets in trouble for trespassing on an estate she thought was abandoned, and can't have the legal stain on her record if she wants to get into college. So, the family who caught her, agrees to a deal. If she will work in their garden for the summer, they won't press charges, and even pay for her tuition if she does a good job. 
Obviously, she takes it. 
But the family is by no means normal, and is actually involved in an international crime syndicate. It's not a thriller, and the family is actually on 'holiday', so it's not about the crime thing, but the effects of the crime thing. The whole family is totally screwed up.

Carlo: head of the family, wife is dead, killed in action. His vice is a sick curiosity. The only reason he hired Bailey instead of pressing charges was because he was curious about her, and the way 'normal' act. He's using her for his own sick, psychological pleasure, and exposes her intentionally to some weird shit that goes on in their family. (It's all purely psychological, no violence to her or rape).

Regina: the eldest of the children, and so she should be the 'next in line' to the throne, but isn't, because she isn't really a member of the family, as her mother (who was married to Carlo) had Regina through an affair. Carlo took her into the family etc, and Regina is the most capable, but everyone knows that she's not a real 'heir'. So Regina's a little bitter. She hates Bailey because her father is so curious about her, always giving her attention, however sick it is, and Regina wants her father to love her too.

Chase: Chase is the real 'heir' to the throne, even though he isn't the eldest. He is very apathetic to everything, and really couldn't give a damn about whatever position he might inherit. He's not suited to the buisness, but his father thinks it's funny, and Chase just can't be bothered to put too much thought into it. He ends up falling in love with Bailey, because she's so innocent. When Chase was eight, he saw his mother die. As a result, he's kind of frozen. Bailey takes him back to that time, and makes him feel alive. But it's really an unhealthy attachment, because he's getting the love he never got from his mother from her, and that is a very selfish kind of love. In a child, it's totally healthy, but in a seventeen year old boy, it's not. 

Bruno: The youngest of the family, and a very bitter person. When it comes to the family hierarchy, he and Regina are 'tied', and Chase is way far above him. So he resents Chase, because he stands to inherit Bruno's ultimate goal (and doesn't even care), and he looks down on Regina, because he believes that she is beneath him. But he's periodically reminded that he's just as low down there as she is, but wants to believe that he isn't. He holds onto his anger and channels it into ambition, always trying to get his father's attention through accomplishments, something which Carlo could care less about, because that isn't how he determines worth. Still, Bruno tries. He likes Bailey, but only as a tool. Bruno knows that Chase is in love with her, and hopes that she will lure him away from the position he stands to inherit, and then there would be the possibility that Bruno could get it. 

See what I mean? The whole thing is a psychological analysis, and I just want to get it out there. I haven't started writing it on my computer yet, but I'll do that soon. It's gonna be chock full of juicy bits that are a treat to write. So let's see if I actually do, eh? 
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